Successful breeding of sperm in vitro

A new hope opened up for infertile men after scientists from Yokohama University (Japan) for the first time successfully cultured sperm in vitro.

Picture 1 of Successful breeding of sperm in vitro

According to the Daily Mail , this is a breakthrough that could help millions of men around the world fulfill their fatherhood dream. The study is also the basis for developing new drugs or treatments for infertility - a condition that occurs in about one in six couples today.

Dr. Takehiko Ogawa and colleagues at Yokohama University (Japan) took the pieces of testicular tissue from mice and added protein components in combination with other suitable nutrients to stimulate tissue production. sperm and nourish them mature.

These mature sperm are then fertilized with eggs by in vitro fertilization. The result of this experiment is that 12 baby mice were born.

This is a breakthrough study. Because scientists have never adopted sperm outside the body before.

The secret to the success of Dr. Takehiko Ogawa and the team is patience. He and his colleagues mixed chemicals in the lab until they found the most suitable formula. Dr. Takehiko Ogawa revealed that this technique could be successful with both frozen tissues.

After successful research on mice, Japanese scientists are planning to experiment on human testicular tissue samples. If successful, this study will open up the prospect of helping boys who are infertile due to cancer treatment still be able to be fathers as adults.