Can revive the dead?

This question has been posed by scientists and explored when many cases died clinically, the heart stopped beating for a long time and still recovered. Even this has long been built into a famous fictional ghost story about Frankenstein monster.

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In 1999, a Swedish medical student named Anna Bagenholm lost control while skiing was covered by snow and ice. Her friends took 40 minutes to remove the snow and save her. At that time, the heart stopped beating, but Bagenholm was still alive. It took nearly four hours, when she was taken to the hospital, her heartbeat returned. Bagenholm is considered to be a clinical death case and her circulatory respiratory system has stopped working for more than 3 hours when she returned to normal life.

So what happened in the body at the cellular level during Bagenholm's absence of a heartbeat? Cell tissue will die with the death of consciousness? How long can Bagenholm live without blood circulation?

Picture 1 of Can revive the dead?
Can the dead be revived as the case of creating Frankenstein? (Photo: Livescience)

The issue has attracted the attention of clinicians and engineers who are "aspiring" to find a way to bring life back from death when the heart stops beating at the Recovery Center (CRS) at University of Pennsylvania.

According to CRS experts, all the key issues are at the cellular level. Each cell has a protective film that protects it from its surroundings to filter out unnecessary molecules for its functions or existence.

If a cell is about to die, the protective barrier will begin to weaken, depending on the circumstances of the cell death, one of three things will happen: it will eat dead or sick elements, or Quarantine and the third is that it will break suddenly, causing further tissue damage.

When human cells abruptly cut down on oxygen supply, nutrients and sanitation services normally supply blood to cells, cells can keep life in their membranes for a while. surprisingly long time, even after many days. If doctors can save it, will the patient still have a resurrection?

Unfortunately, cells are most sensitive to lack of nutrients and oxygen are brain cells. Within 5-10 minutes the heart stops beating, neuronal membranes will begin to break and irreparable, brain damage will occur. The resurrection effort is more difficult. This phenomenon is called reperfusion injury - the cells that are suddenly cut off from the nutrient supply will self-destruct.

While not yet understanding the nature of this injury, scientists have understood that one of the things that can reduce the risk of reperfusion injury is to reduce body temperature. This process sometimes allows patients with dozens of minutes of clinical death to be fully recovered.

The resurrection of dead people is not a serious concern for doctors because brain cells can quickly die when the heart stops beating. But scientists are still interested in how to recover clinically dead patients for a long time when they are not conscious.