Biologically, when a person dies, the heart stops beating and the brain stops working. However, consciousness still exists for a short time, enough to make you know
Such special people shared with the Near-Death Experimental Research Organization (NDERF) about the life after the death they experienced and the results were amazing.
This question has been posed by scientists and explored when many cases died clinically, the heart stopped beating for a long time and still recovered. Even this has long been
In the 1960s, experts at the Frozen Association in Phoenix (Arizona, USA) tested a method that could help immortal people.
Nobody thinks Sheila Lewis can be with her family for Christmas. For several weeks, she sank into a deep coma and the doctors announced that nothing could be done.
Hal Finney is a cryptographer, programmer, one of the first people to join the bitcoin project, who died at the age of 58 August 28 in the United States.