People are aware that they have just died?

Biologically, when a person dies, the heart stops beating and the brain stops working. However, consciousness still exists for a short time, enough to make people know "I have just died".

The conclusions that many of these "floating thorns" have been published by US researchers after monitoring cases of cardiac arrest on twins in Europe and the United States.

Picture 1 of People are aware that they have just died?
There are cases where "dead people" may even hear doctors "claiming" their own death as soon as they are still on the operating table.

"When someone dies, the blood is no longer circulating to the brain, meaning that the brain function temporarily stops working. You lose all of the commanding brain reflexes but in the early stages of death you can still spread. through a number of "conscious forms" , Dr. Sam Parnia, from the NYU Langone School of Medicine said.

There is evidence that some cases of cardiac arrest, but then bouncing (usually on the surgical table) are thought to be able to accurately describe what happened to them after "death." .

There are even cases of "dead people" who can hear doctors "declaring" their own death as soon as they are still on the operating table. Right now, they are really on the line between life and death.

Dr. Parnia shares this research to find out exactly what people experience when they are at the threshold of death , similar to the way people experience "love".

The results of this study are based on when the heart stops, in some ways it is considered dead.

He added: "We conducted a study of the mind and consciousness of people in the immediate vicinity, to find out whether consciousness was destroyed or continued to exist after the heart stopped beating. a short period of time and what's happening inside our brain ".
