More than 300 chickens died of heart attack because ... terrifying this language

Recently, in Guangxi, China had a rare story, a heart-attack chicken flock of 364 children died because of a fear of heart attack by a helicopter, died on the spot.

According to information posted, the rare incident happened at noon one day last November. The 364 chickens owned by a farmer in Guangxi, China, who are walking on the farm, suddenly a helicopter appears, hovering at a low level.

Picture 1 of More than 300 chickens died of heart attack because ... terrifying this language
The sound made them so frightened, the whole flock of chickens suffered a heart attack and died.

The loud sound of the engine and the strong wind coming out of the helicopter propeller made the chickens afraid to crumble, finally, because of the extreme fear, the whole flock of chickens suffered a heart attack and died.

According to the research, when the sound intensity exceeds 45 Decibels, the chickens will be severely affected, they are anorexia and the egg laying rate also decreases. But the sound of the sound came up to 86 Decibels, making the flock unbearable.

Specifically, too strong stimulation, the bodies of chickens constantly produce hormones adrenaline , causing the heart to beat too fast, eventually the heart muscle is torn, dead carpet in place.

The owner said 364 chickens and chickens died, including 300 adult chickens and 64 chickens.

Surprisingly, the farmer made an application to report to the police. As a result, farmers are not compensated by the company for some money, equivalent to lost losses.