The shocking truths about little chickens think of

Hens will mate with many roosters, chickens are nurtured for the purpose of fighting, chickens are not completely flightless . are facts about chickens that few people know about.

Unexpected facts about chickens

Picture 1 of The shocking truths about little chickens think of
A hen will mate with many different roosters. After mating, the hen will decide to 'give birth' to the rooster he wants.

Picture 2 of The shocking truths about little chickens think of
But if "she" doesn't like to give birth to another rooster, it can excrete the rooster's sperm.

Picture 3 of The shocking truths about little chickens think of
Initially, the chickens were domesticated to serve cockfighting competitions, not for meat as food.

Picture 4 of The shocking truths about little chickens think of
Chicken is not completely flightless.They can fly high enough to fly over a fence or fly up a tree branch.

Picture 5 of The shocking truths about little chickens think of
Chicken is very omnivorous.They eat nuts, insects and even larger prey like rats or lizards.

Picture 6 of The shocking truths about little chickens think of
Chickens are the most raised poultry in the world with the number of 25 billion.

Picture 7 of The shocking truths about little chickens think of
Chicken has dozens of different types, for example Dutch Bantam chicken, broccoli or Red Rohde chicken.

Picture 8 of The shocking truths about little chickens think of
A rooster will notify all chickens that it finds food by calling 'sufficiency'.But hens don't care if they know there's food around them.