The woman returning from the dead declared time does not exist

Time did not exist as a strange statement from a woman who had been declared dead but returned from the brink of death.

Such special people shared with the Research Organization (NDERF) about the life after the death they experienced and the results were amazing.

Express newspaper (UK) reported that a person named Fawn R wrote on NDERF's website that she had died from drinking too much alcohol. In her experience, 'sound and time did not exist' and reminiscence of her life in a period seemed to last forever but actually only took about three minutes.

Picture 1 of The woman returning from the dead declared time does not exist
In the woman's experience returning from the dead, 'sound and time do not exist'.(Illustration).

Fawn R wrote: 'I became my own thoughts and memories floating in a black void. I have no body. I can think and have memories of my life. I am completely alone. No sound and time does not exist. The images in my life float but they have lost all meaning to me. '

She said her feelings were extremely sad and lonely. At one point she wondered how long she had been in this space because it was as if 1,000 years had passed.

'When I woke up in the morning, I didn't just wake up. I was aware of my consciousness, as fast as the speed of light, returning to my body and I woke up with a start. My first thought was to be surprised that I was alive and left the gap. I can't believe this. I was shocked and scared, ' said Fawn R.

However, some researchers point out that this is a normal phenomenon and not necessarily a sign that it is real.

Dr. Sam Parnia, Director of Resuscitation and Special Care Research at the Langone NYU School of Medicine responded on a recent OZ Talk program that said: 'People describe the feeling of a warm welcome light. pressure, radiance attracted them towards it. They talked about the experience of dead relatives as if appearing to welcome them. They often say that they do not want to return to life in many cases, this is very pleasant and it is like a magnet to them so they do not want to return. '

In addition, Mr. Parnia said many people also reported feeling separated from their bodies and watched doctors try to treat them. They can listen and remember every conversation around them.

Dr. Parnia said there are scientific explanations for the above actions and said meeting up with the deceased is not proof of the afterlife. Most likely, the brain only remembers memories.

According to him, thanks to modern science and technology , 'death is not limited to philosophy and religion but can also be explored by science'.