Capturing the Sun Fire ear with the Eiffel Tower

A Swedish photographer recorded the image of a fire-eared column rising from the Sun that looked very similar to the Eiffel Tower.

  1. The sun flare broke out, heading towards Earth
  2. Video: Record super-large solar cyclone
  3. Record super-large solar vortex

The Eiffel Tower solar flare was captured with a portable solar telescope

According to Live Science, the photo was taken by professional photographer Göran Strand in his own backyard in Östersund, Sweden, using a portable solar telescope.

Picture 1 of Capturing the Sun Fire ear with the Eiffel Tower

" This large flare column immediately caught my attention. Although looking through a small telescope with a diameter of 50mm, the scene still looks very beautiful. When installing a larger glass, I think about its shape. and suddenly remembered the Eiffel Tower in Paris, "Strand told Discovery News on August 17.

With an 80mm diameter alpha hydrogen-powered solar telescope, Strand has taken 1,000 photos and summarized the best 300 shots to create an impressive image of the fire column . It is 7 times the diameter of the Earth and extends far into the Sun's atmosphere.

Flames are large pieces of plasma gas that can be erupted from the Sun's chromosphere and raised to the outer atmosphere. Due to the lower temperature of the surrounding atmosphere, the flare emits light that is easily identifiable and can be identified through special devices such as solar telescopes and solar eclipses.