Children: Subjects susceptible to bird flu

A recent finding has shown that children are particularly susceptible and highly susceptible to bird flu. The above study has led experts to reassess previous research results on bird flu and make them more cautious.

According to the description of John Nicholls and colleagues at the University of Hong Kong and the Australian Institute of Children's Health, the avian influenza virus uses a molecule called MAA to help them identify and attack. Sensitive cells in the human respiratory apparatus.

Picture 1 of Children: Subjects susceptible to bird flu MAA is the kind of molecule that works especially well in the respiratory system of children.

Of course MAA is not the only weapon of avian influenza virus, but it also allows scientists to conclude with certainty that bird flu viruses tend to attack children more easily than adults. other.

"The reason and mechanism by which avian influenza viruses infect humans is a complex process that requires studying virus characteristics as well as the characteristics of susceptible host cells," Nicholls said. I believe that the above research has contributed in part to that complicated process. "

Dang Ngoc Yen