Fast food can reduce a child's academic performance

Research by American scientists shows that children who eat fast food often tend to score lower in some subjects such as math, science or comprehension.

Picture 1 of Fast food can reduce a child's academic performance
In addition to being able to cause obesity, fast food can also be a factor affecting children's learning outcomes.(Artwork: Alamy)

This is the result based on the survey and analysis of the eating habits of more than 8,500 American students. Of these, 10% eat fast food every day, 10% maintain that habit from 4 to 6 times a week, 52% eat one to three times a week.

According to the Ohio State University team, about 10 years old, a regular customer of McDonald's, Burger King, Pizza Hut or KFC, may have decreased academic results in about three years later. The difference in scores between the two groups regularly and never eat fast food in science is 79 and 83 respectively. The same results were recorded in math or comprehension.

"This is a study focused on the impact of food consumption on children's obesity. But our new findings provide evidence that fast food is related to another problem. is a poorer learning result, " said Kelly Purtell, head of research.

RT said, there are two assumptions made to explain the impact of fast food on the learning process of children. The lack of special nutrients such as iron, related to fast food consumption, will slow down certain processes in the brain. Decreasing and distracting scores may also affect the increase in sugar and fat.