The truth at the fast food restaurant that no salesman intended to reveal to you

These tips will help the fast food store attract visitors and sell as many items as possible.

We are all too used to fast food and love it because of its convenience and richness. But few know that behind the prosperous fast food "empire" there are so many secrets.

1. Soda, Coca is cheaper than tea because it stimulates appetite

Picture 1 of The truth at the fast food restaurant that no salesman intended to reveal to you
Carbonated drinks are usually cheaper than other drinks.

In fast food, carbonated drinks are usually cheaper than other drinks. This is partly because carbon dioxide in carbonated drinks acts as an acid that enhances the body's response to sugar, creating cravings. Plus with a reasonable price, you will easily "trap" when calling this drink (many times).

2. Everything becomes more palatable when eating with bare hands

Picture 2 of The truth at the fast food restaurant that no salesman intended to reveal to you
Eating with your bare hands, you will feel better eating, which will eat more.

Do you know why knives, forks (forks) seem very limited to appear at fast food outlets. That's because when eating with your bare hands, you will feel better eating, which will eat more.

3. The perfect time to have the best fast food

Picture 3 of The truth at the fast food restaurant that no salesman intended to reveal to you
6am - 8pm is the perfect time.

According to experts, the most perfect time that you should visit the snack bar is from 6am - 8pm.

Although it is not easy to get a table due to the rush hour, this will be the time when the best fresh food is served.

4. The amount of calories in fast food today is increasing dramatically compared to 30 years ago

Picture 4 of The truth at the fast food restaurant that no salesman intended to reveal to you
20 years ago, pizza also reduced 70% of calories compared to today.

Good, the calories in our favorite foods like pizza, fries . are increasing day 1. For example, cheeseburgers increased calories by 75% compared to their predecessors in 1980.

Or like 20 years ago, chips had twice as much calories, and pizza also reduced 70% of calories compared to today.

5. The smell of food coming from the kitchen - that's part of the marketing strategy

Picture 5 of The truth at the fast food restaurant that no salesman intended to reveal to you
Attractive food smell will attract more customers.

Going through the fast food store with an appealing smell of food, it's hard for you to resist the temptation of delicious dishes.

Therefore, many restaurants "try" to push their food smell as far away as possible, so that more customers can be towed.

6. Being the first buyer will always get the best - you are wrong

Picture 6 of The truth at the fast food restaurant that no salesman intended to reveal to you
Please visit the fast food store from 10am onwards.

The truth is, you should not visit the snack bar right after they opened the door. Because cleaning up kitchen utensils or dining tables . is still possible, things haven't really been refined yet.