Chimp is an energy-saving mammal

Birds consume a lot more energy than mammals, mammals consume more energy than marsupials, animals have pockets that consume more energy than reptiles.

Picture 1 of Chimp is an energy-saving mammal

Photo: Internet

However, among mammals, chimpanzees are thought to be the most energy-efficient animals. Under the same amount of movement, the demand for chimpanzees is less than that of humans.

In a report published in the National Academy of Sciences, scientists led by Dr. Herman Poteze recorded the movements of four chimpanzees by the Des Moines Monkey Association, Iowa State. (US) supply and their daily energy consumption.

In the study, intelligent chimpanzees learned how to urinate into paper cups, so scientists can conduct analysis of their urine composition.

Deuterium oxide is a form of isotope of water, or heavy water. After drinking this water, chimpanzees can monitor carbon dioxide formation, thereby accurately calculating combustion heat.

Scientists have found that, among all mammals, the daily energy consumption of chimpanzees is the lowest. The reason is that the chimpanzee's metabolism is relatively low.

Dr said low energy demand makes it easy to survive during a food shortage.