Chlamydia vaccine is tested on Koala bears

Danh Phuong

The first tests of Australian vaccines designed to protect koala bears from infection with Chlamydia are being planned.

Scientists who developed the vaccine at Queensland University of Technology said: " Chlamydia is a major threat to the survival of Australia's iconic koala , with almost all pants. can be infected by the disease.

Professor Peter Timms of the University's Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation said: ' The trial is scheduled to begin before the end of the year and will test the vaccine's ability to provide organic immune response in the koala against Chlamydia . ' Professor Timms said: Chlamydia in koala is the main cause of barrenness, urinary tract infections, and visual inflammation usually lead to blindness.

'We will have initial results within the first 6 months, but we need to continue monitoring these koalas within 12 months to determine how long the vaccine stimulates immune response and whether or not the vaccine is added to increase the immune system is satisfactory, " he said.

Picture 1 of Chlamydia vaccine is tested on Koala bears
Koala bear (Photo:

Picture 2 of Chlamydia vaccine is tested on Koala bears
Chlamydia in koala is the main cause of barrenness (Photo: Newcastle)