Comet 45P opposes the Earth glowing fanciful blue light

Comet 45P is on its way through the Earth and will emit a mysterious blue light in the night sky.

According to Sputnik, the 45P / Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova comet , named after three astronomers who discovered the comet in 1948, will be visible in the night sky from February 9 to February 12. This fancy green light is the result of C2, a gas of graphite.

Picture 1 of Comet 45P opposes the Earth glowing fanciful blue light
The comet image of 45P emits magical blue light in the sky.

Every 5.25 years, comet 45P spins all around the Sun. On the journey around the Sun this year, 45P comet will be closest to Earth at a distance of 12.43 million km, becoming the 8th comet closest to Earth since its follow-up began in 1950. .

With binoculars or telescopes, comet hunters will have no difficulty finding the comet racing through this sky because the 45P comet will appear as a green sphere with a moving tail. at a speed of 82,000 km / h.

According to, despite the small size, the 45P comet will be easy to observe due to the distance of the comet compared to Earth. Forecasters said it was possible to observe the 45P comet with the naked eye when the comet appeared in the sky before dawn this week.

In August 2011, comet 45P approached Earth at a distance of 8.98 million km.