Comets bring life materials to Earth

Comets have long been attractive to us. In primitive cultures, the mysterious appearance of comets symbolizes divine anger towards humans or an omen of defeat in the war. Now research done by Tel Aviv University adds a new aspect to this amazing attraction: comets may have brought the necessary elements to life to flourish on their planet. me.

In the process of studying the chemical composition of comets, Professor Akiva Bar-Nun of the Faculty of Planetary and Geophysical Sciences at Tel Aviv University found that they were the source of the necessary elements for primitive Earth life. Professor Bar-Nun said: ' When comets hit Earth through the atmosphere 4 billion years ago, they brought organic materials to the fledgling Earth, adding material with the Earth's large organic material reservoir, leading to the proliferation of all things '.

Professor Bar-Nun believes that the chemical composition of comets has allowed them to start life. He recently published his theory widely in scientific journals, including an article in Icarus magazine.

A pinch of Agon, a little Xenon

Using the uniquely assembled machine at Tel Aviv University, the researchers were able to simulate the comet ice block, and discovered that the comet contained the necessary components to provide power. Basic nutrition for life.

Picture 1 of Comets bring life materials to Earth

Hale Bopp Comet . (Photo: iStockphoto / Michael Puerzer)

More particularly when Professor Bar-Nun observes the gases Argon, Krypton and Xenon, they do not interact with any other element and are not destroyed by Earth's oxygen. These elements have maintained a stable ratio in the earth's atmosphere throughout the life of the planet.

He explains: 'If we look at these elements in the Earth's atmosphere and in meteorites, we will see that they are not co-proportional to the composition of the sun. Besides, these ratios in the atmosphere are relatively different from those in meteorites. So we need to look for another source of gas so that when we put them in meteorites they will change the ratio. This source is comets' .

Good answer puzzle of the afterlife

Comets are basically large blocks of ice with temperatures between -200 and -250 degrees C. They are formed from the early stages of the solar system far away from the sun, steam accumulates directly into Ice forms small particles. As Professor Bar-Nun explains, these particles combine to form comets, with a diameter less than 2/3 of a mile.

During the formation of comets, the ice block has many holes that cover gas and organic matter present in space. 'The type of air wrap in the ice forms a certain proportion of Agon, Krypton and Xenon. That ratio, along with the ratio of gases derived from rocky objects, gives us a ratio that we observe today in the Earth's atmosphere . '

Thus the appearance of comets and asteroids on Earth has brought a proportion of material suitable for organic life, ' so that they eventually blend into the sea and begin a long process that leads to formation. into life on Earth , 'explained Professor Bar-Nun.

Rain and storm meteorite

The story begins about 4.6 to 3.8 billion years ago when both the moon and the Earth were bombarded by waves of meteorites and comets. ' On Earth, most craters are sealed by continental movements and winds and water erosion. On the moon, the craters still exist . Professor Bar-Nun also added that no life could develop during this bombing.

But when the Earth recovered, about 3 to 4 million years later, fragile life forms formed after comets brought to dissolve into the ocean. Professor Bar-Nun said: ' There is another stage of chemical development of these molecules taking place in the water, that period is becoming more and more complicated '.

I. Pat-El, D. Laufer, G. Notesco, A. Bar-Nun.Đang xác thực thực hiện của thiết lập của một tiến trình crust, và chuyển đổi của nước nước trong một phân vùng của upper layers.Icarus, 2009;201 (1): 406 DOI: 10.1016 / j.icarus.2008.12.041