Dark matter near the sun?

A large mass of so-called invisible dark matter may have been discovered near our sun. And this mysterious form of matter is creating a gravitational influence on dwarfs within close proximity to the solar system.

Picture 1 of Dark matter near the sun?
One of the universe's K-type dwarf stars - (Photo: NASA)

Dark matter is thought to make up about 70% of the universe, but has never been observed or discovered directly.

Scientists only judge their presence based on the effects of dark matter on other tangible matter.

The Milky Way seems to be surrounded by a giant halo of dark matter, but so far experts have found evidence that they exist in large quantities near Earth.

Dr. Silvia Garbari of the University of Zurich (Switzerland) said her group is 99% certain that there is dark matter near the sun and even in significant quantities.

Swiss experts have drawn this conclusion when studying the position and movement of thousands of K dwarf stars near the sun, according to a report on the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.