Decode mystery aircraft under the lake

Mysterious about an intact passenger plane located at the bottom of Lake Harriet in Minneapolis, the US finally got the answer.

The image on Google Earth about the sunken airplane has caused authorities to open an investigation.

Officials overseeing the parks in Minneapolis were worried when they looked at photos of a submerged twin-engine airplane, they had no information about a plane that crashed. An investigation was started when a series of conspiracy theories began to emerge.

Picture 1 of Decode mystery aircraft under the lake
Photo of a plane at the bottom of the lake.(Photo Google Map).

However, it turned out that the picture was only a minor issue in Google Earth's imaging function and in fact there were no passenger planes sunk in the water.

Google engineers reviewed the problem and explained what happened.

Susan Cadrecha, a Google Map spokesman, told The Minneapolis Star-Tribune: "In short: every satellite image you see on the map is actually a combination of several photos. Moving objects. As fast as an airplane usually only appears in one of the photos we give to a certain area. When that happens, sometimes a trace of a fast moving object can be seen. "

A similar image is also found at nearby Lake Nokomis, although both lakes are located away from the Minneapolis-St international airport. Paul is over 10km away. Each year, more than 400,000 planes take off and land at the airport.

Lake Nokomis and Harriet are both on the flight routes of many aircraft, so it is likely that photos of Google Earth can capture images of an airplane flying through these two lakes.