Detecting aliens in the Mona Lisa

A website about conspiracy theory claims to discover an "alien priest" hidden in Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting.

Aliens in the Mona Lisa

The video was posted on the Paranormal Crucible with the statement of the discovery of the " alien supreme priest" hidden in Leonardo Da Vinci's famous work, with facial features, headscarves, a cape and hand.

Many theologians believe that Leonardo Da Vinci deliberately concealed codes and hidden messages in most of his works . If this is the case, the assumption is made that the Mona Lisa picture could hide the truth regarding the presence of aliens.

" Leonardo Da Vinci is a man of outstanding intelligence, extraordinary creativity and works in many different fields. This is very unusual," Mirror quoted Scott C Waring, UFO Sightings Daily executive. , said.

In 2010, art historians once announced the detection of small numbers and characters drawn in the Mona Lisa's eyes. The guesses about the code and the message in Da Vinci's picture are the basis for the book " Da Vinci Code" and the movie of the same name.