Prophet Vanga and catastrophic predictions, scientific mysteries that hurt scientists, magic tricks that challenge all the laws of physics in the world, ... are news that interest

NASA discovers 'aliens' on Mars, Cleopatra - The first woman to 'manipulate' sex toys, finds giant monsters at the bottom of the Arctic, 12 stories that are even more terrifying.

NASA discovered 'aliens' on Mars, the new planet 21 light-years from Earth, planet Earth-like than Kepler-452b, hundreds of thousands of bullfrogs in Tay Ninh,

The prophecy of the great disasters will take place in 2015, 7 very worldly gruesome sacrifices of living people, the fearsome prophecies of genius Stephen Hawking, the secret of

The irrefutable evidence of aliens, the four true divine drugs, the prophecy of the great catastrophes that took place in 2015, the girl possessed by Satan, how humans survive when

14 mysteries in the Amazon, discovering controversial fossils, learning about the killer mirror

Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer thinks the planet is real, accusing world leaders of keeping their existence on Earth secret.

Egg incubators, four-legged recliner ... are unique inventions to serve the life of aliens.

The Huffington Post said the incident happened on the evening of February 6, 1975. Larry Jividen, a US Navy reserve pilot, then controlled a T-39D Sabreliner aircraft to perform a

Former Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell recently confirmed the existence of UFOs and aliens. Although Mitchell said he had never seen UFOs during his time with NASA, he himself