Detecting cells is not affected in the space environment

Scientists have just made a very important discovery regarding the body's natural self-defense ability when astronauts perform interplanetary missions.

Based on research on blood samples taken from crew members on the International Space Station (ISS), a few months in space do not affect B cells - cells that produce natural antibodies.

This is great news, because it also means that people can completely "protect themselves" from bacteria and viruses in space. It also shows that vaccination is effective in space , although there are still many other traits that need to be considered.

Picture 1 of Detecting cells is not affected in the space environment
Human B cells when living in a zero gravity environment remain unchanged.

"Living in space for a long time involves increased levels of psychological stress, acute and chronic exposures to space radiation and changes in gravity. bad effect on the immune system " , Guillaume Spielmann, Louisiana State University (LSU), said.

Of course, the human immune system does not need to be in space but right on Earth when we do not eat enough, or do not get enough sleep, it can make us more vulnerable.

Previous studies have shown that our immunity can be confused in space, the number of immune cells becomes less active and some become more active.

Before we start long journeys, we need to know more about the potential risks and this latest research will be extremely helpful.

Currently, there are a large number of studies related to human changes in space with. Studies have shown that the human body loses bone density in space, while the risk of cancer increases (due to the radiation of the Sun) and many fluids flow to the head.

In fact, the more we know about the human immune system in space, the better we can protect ourselves. With the proposed supplements or nutritional supplements is one of the ways to protect astronauts against disease. However, with the latest research, we have learned more about the natural defenses of the human body in a zero gravity environment.