Detecting galaxies eating rocks and secrete sand in the Philippine river

The new species specializes in chiseling limestone instead of wood like relatives and secrete sand, surprising the research team.

Researchers associated with a number of institutes in the United States discovered and identified the species that eat limestone instead of wood as the same species. In the study published June 19 in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the authors described the bivalve species and what they found.

Wood chisel is a bivalve mollusk that lives in the water, famous for its wood eating and digesting behavior. They attracted a lot of attention during the heyday of wooden ships. Small galaxies perforated in the hull, sometimes causing the ship to not launch. Ha chisel wood also destroys other docks and wooden structures used in other countries.

Picture 1 of Detecting galaxies eating rocks and secrete sand in the Philippine river
They are white and look more like worms than mollusks.

According to the research team, the wood chisel was first seen in 2006 on a river in the Philippines, but has only recently been carefully studied. After collecting specimens by smashing rocks where they reside, researchers put them in a laboratory water tank. The galaxy is quite small, only 150mm long. They are white and look more like worms than mollusks. They possess larger and flatter teeth, more suitable for chiseling stones.

Stone chisel also does not have bags to digest wood like relatives. The team thinks that the difference in body characteristics indicates that stone chisels are definitely not evolved from wood-eating relatives that separated a long time ago. The team also observed that they ate limestone and released sand later.

Researchers have not been able to identify the motives that lead to the pet behavior of animals, but speculate this does not have any nutritional value. They suspect that they satisfy the nutritional needs of parasitic bacteria and do not rule out the possibility of them smoking food with taps.

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