Detecting ripples 'strange never seen' around a star

New scientists have found something strange and unlike anything we've ever seen or predicted moving around a star at high speed. This star is called AU Mic and is close to Earth.

Detect strange ripples around a star

When astronomers used the super-telescope (VLT) in Chile to observe this star, they discovered something in the cloud of dust around it that was so strange that they had never seen it. before. It was a giant wave of dust that emitted from the center of the star.

Astronomers often study dust clouds around stars because they provide clues about how planets form. Dust particles in clouds often reveal the position of stars.

Picture 1 of Detecting ripples 'strange never seen' around a star
The ripples around this star are unusually red.(Sciencealert image).

But when the experts attached a new device called SPHERE to the super-large telescope and pointed it towards the AU Mic star, they discovered something very different from the normal dust clouds. They are an unexplainable set of features in an arc-like or wave-like object, unlike anything we've ever observed before.

According to observation, this strange phenomenon has 5 strange waves. They look like ripples in a lake. Experts compared this image to similar things obtained years ago and discovered some more surprising things: The wave moved and moved very quickly . At least 3 of the waves move at about 40,000km / h - a speed fast enough to escape the star's gravity.

Astronomers are not sure what causes new properties that make it move at such a dizzying speed. According to the study, AU Mic routinely releases a huge mass of energy from the surface, so it can create a large flame strong enough to push the waves of dust from the star into space.

Recently, a space news sent by NASA's New Horizon spacecraft during the visit to Pluto in July revealed the first images of the colors of the atmosphere here. They are as brilliant as the Earth. In addition, the probe also detected frozen water on the surface of the planet. These special phenomena show that this is an important discovery.