Detecting UFOs on the seabed

The Swedish seafloor exploration team may have detected traces of a strange flying object (UFO) in the ocean.

Picture 1 of Detecting UFOs on the seabed
Circle of strange object under the sea.Photo: The Age.

" At the depth of 87m between Sweden and Finland, we see a large circle, about 16 m in diameter ," MSNBN quoted Peter Lindberg, the Ocean Explorer team leader, as saying. " Doing this job, I see a lot of strange things, but for 18 years, I've never seen anything more strange than that. It's very round ."

Lindberg said the group also found the path about 300 m long leading to this circle. The group confirmed that the path showed that the strange object had moved.

However, Ocean Explorer will not learn this object thoroughly. The Ocean Explorer group made millions of dollars in 1997 when they discovered the body of the Jonkoping commercial ship.

" We don't care about this object very much, because it may not be anything," he said. "We do not have enough money to pursue it, even if it is Stonehenge. It is the decision of everyone ."