Detection of growth stimulant inhibitors

The Japan Institute of Physical Chemistry and Research has announced that the scientists of the Institute have collaborated with the Agricultural Research Technology Agency and Tokyo University for the first time to detect the existence of an increased stimulant inhibitor. plant head.

Plant growth stimulant is a plant hormone that can promote root and fruit growth, controlling the entire stage of plant growth.

At the same time, it has great potential for agricultural application.

However, compared to other plant hormones, we still do not have much knowledge for plant growth stimulants.

In fact, the amount of growth stimulant has very little in the plant, the biosynthesis pathway is also very complex, the chemical properties are not stable, so it is very difficult to implement inhibitor biosynthesis. .

In the past, there have been many studies on plant stimulant inhibitors, however, the technology and drugs that effectively control the effects of growth stimulants have not been studied.

Picture 1 of Detection of growth stimulant inhibitors


To demonstrate this conclusion, the scientists carried out a large-scale decoding of the genetics of Arabidopsis , then proceeded to analyze the data obtained to find drugs to control the effect of hormones. plants.

The results have found two compounds that hinder the growth of synthetic stimulants that are AVG and AOPP.

After a thorough analysis of the function of these two compounds, scientists have identified the material that inhibits the biosynthesis of growth stimulants.

According to scientists, taking advantage of biosynthetic inhibitors through plant growth stimulants enables us to cultivate plants in a state of lack of growth stimulants that were not previously possible. show.

This result brings new thinking to scientists in the study of complex functions and pathways of growth stimulants.

Currently, the research on plant growth stimulants has just stopped on model plants, in the future will be expanded to high quality agricultural crops.

The creation of drugs and technologies that inhibit plant growth is critical to promoting agricultural production.