Detection of massacre of honey bees in America

Scientists have found the main cause of the decline of honey bees, threatening the ecological imbalance in recent times is due to a virus spread through the process of pollination for flowers.

In addition, some species of bees living in the wild such as bumblebees, hornets, yellow bumblebees are also infected with this virus.

In 2006, US beekeepers witnessed the massive disappearance of honey bees in their beehives. More than 30% of farmed bees have died. Some scholars argue that the cause of this incident is the impact of pesticides in industry. Some analysis of the bees reveals the presence of large numbers of fungi or bacteria, weakened bee immune systems. However, no culprit has been discovered so far.

Picture 1 of Detection of massacre of honey bees in America
Bees carrying viruses of nests from pollen will make the whole group infected within 1 week later.

However, the results of a new study show that Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), first known in 2002, may contribute to the decline of bee populations. .

Scientists believe that the virus spreads from one honey bee to other honey bees in the nest through the salivary virus infection or an infected queen bee infused into eggs causing death to masses. bees.

Lead researcher Diana Cox-Foster, an entomologist at the University of Pennsylvania (USA), said that when studying insects that collect pollen, they found that healthy bees brought to the nest. The pollen is infected with the virus. And that means there may be other deadly viruses for bees to enter the hive in this way.

In another independent experiment, the team collected and tested the bees and wasps in the wild and found evidence that they had the virus that the honey bee was infected with.

But these bees can resist strong viruses. In contrast, honey bees are more sensitive to them.

When the honey bees come to pick up the pollen in a flower that has been infected by the bees, it will carry the virus in the pollen to infect its entire nest within a week.