Determining the day when Jesus was executed?

A group of scientists studying the seismic activity at the Dead Sea found the day they thought was the precise moment when Jesus was executed on the cross.

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Accordingly, the researchers believe that Jesus was crucified on Friday, April 3, AD 33 (CN). Records and clues collected from geology and astronomical data supported this speculation.

Picture 1 of Determining the day when Jesus was executed?
Jesus died on the cross

According to the Daily Mail, geologists have investigated the seismic turmoil dating back to 4,000 years in the top 6m of soil in the Dead Sea sediment (Israel), about 20km from Jerusalem.

To analyze seismic activity in the region, Jefferson Williams geologist of Supersonic Geophysical (USA) and colleague Markus Schwab and Achim Brauer of the German Geotechnical Research Center have explored the 3 bottom cores located on the shore. Ein Gedi Spa beach next to the Dead Sea.

Strip clay sediments, only sedimentary layers each year, show that there are at least two large earthquakes that affect the core: an earthquake in 31 BC and 1 battle in about 26 to 36 after CN.

The second stage occurred in the years Pontius Pilate was the governor of Judea and when the earthquakes were recorded in the Bible. Thus, the day of the execution, ie Holy Friday, is quite accurate, but the year of the event is still questionable, according to Williams expert.

In considering the Jewish calendar and astronomical calculations, experts believe that the sixth day of April 3, 33 after the CN is most appropriate.