Discover 18 strains of virus originating from mice

Scientists have published 18 viruses found in 133 mice living in New York City (USA) .

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Picture 1 of Discover 18 strains of virus originating from mice

Many people see mice as pets and even bring them to the office. However, this rodent is a potential threat to infectious diseases like plague, one of Europe's most devastating epidemics.

Big Apple research published in mBio magazine shows that about 18 new viruses have never been discovered on individual mice.

Specifically, the scientists used 133 mice trapped from 5 different locations of New York City (USA). Scientists took the tissue and waste of mice (saliva, stool) for testing. The samples showed many dangerous bacteria, including E.Coli and Salmonella. In addition, they found about 18 new viruses that have never appeared before (including on humans) and two of them are similar to the structure of the hepatitis C virus.

Scientists say they will continue to study the effects of these new viruses on humans before deciding to give health safety warnings.