Discover EVP - Soul recording tool

Learn about unexplained audio noise.

On a cold night in January 2002, a group of mysterious phenomenon investigators visited an abandoned mental hospital in Southern Chicago. There used to be a very unhappy past: before it was officially closed in 1970, it was the lair of Chicago's craziest crazy criminals. Of course, they all have to pay offense before justice.

They recorded this visit with both pictures and voices. During the journey, they did not record anything unusual, but when they watched the video coming back, they discovered an unexplainable thing . In the cold, silent atmosphere of the hospital, a female voice called out to 'Doctor Martin' (because the voice through the pager was disturbed too much, so Martin was the most feasible judgment, and they are still unsure about this doctor's surname).

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The video was recorded by Southern Wisconsin Paranormal Research team, one of many groups around the world studying electronic voice phenomenon - Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) . EVP is a form of recording sound and sound into a tape and other electronic devices . They said that through it, they could record the sounds of the 'spirits' seeking to contact us. Skeptics simply assume that these are noisy noises, no less, or worse, it is a cheap scam.

Let us learn the truth through the article below.

EVP or soul is speaking up?

Many people believe that these sounds belong to the soul, which are the sounds of the dead who are communicating with us from the silent grave. Because they had no body with the larynx, they could hardly "say" anymore. Instead, many theories suggest that they use energy to transform electromagnetic fields into sound-simulating sounds.

These sounds are hard to hear while recording. They may be too small, or too much interference, to the extent that they can only be heard when rewinding many times, under careful analysis. They can be emitted in any language, and sometimes, they are a combination of multiple languages. At times, that voice is directed to researchers. They can call their names directly, or mention something very familiar to them. At times, they just sound like a singing voice.

The researchers divided them into 3 groups:

Group A: it sounds very clear and easy to understand.

Group B: hears medium, clear and can sometimes be heard without using headphones.

Group C: sounds very weak and often unclear.

No matter how clear that sound is, these voices often emit no more than a few seconds. And a researcher may have to listen to it again and again several thousand times to find the true meaning behind those whispers.

How is EVP recorded?

Jennifer Lauer, Southern Wisconsin Paranormal Research Group director and founder, has a clear answer:

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'We will go there and interview witnesses, to find out what actually happened, that they saw and heard what. We will also bring specialized equipment to eliminate the possibility that what they see is only magnetic or radio interference. Usually, we record EVP in 2 different ways, depending on the description of the witness. EVP may be an odd form of energy , it is like a clip that has taken place, and now it is rewinding itself many times. If it was a haunted form of remnants , we would send a recording person into it and record whatever it was. With active phobia, that is, a soul that actually exists, we will ask questions, because we know for sure that we will get the answer. We will gather in a group of about 4-6 people, put the tape recorder in the middle. We will ask one by one questions to anything that is present in the room. After a person has completed the question, we will spend 20 seconds in silence so the ghost can answer, and the next person will continue to ask ".

EVP analysis

After recording the video, the researchers will listen to it over and over again, they listen to whatever sounds like simulating the voice. They also use technologies to analyze those voices. Much of the software used to make EVP becomes clearer: software that removes noise from the surrounding environment, EVP-enabled software, whistle-filtering software, clicks . However, Many EVPs don't need to be filtered, they are too obvious. A typical EVP sound will have a lot of emotions, they are never boring voices.

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For sounds that are too noisy, the researchers will record audio charts (similar to the waveforms on the visualization screen of Window Media Player software), compare them with common audio noise - From there, they will decide whether it is an EVP, or simply a noise captured by the microphone.

And doubts

Not everyone believes that EVP is really the voice of souls. Many people believe that EVP is nothing more than radio noise. Others think that people who believe in EVP or have imagined them, or their minds have tried to interpret a mix of mixed sounds into what they want or expect.

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Edwin C. May of Laboratories Research Center for Fundamental Research said: 'Humans always tend to set order from chaos. Our senses have been designed to do that. When we hear many times the chaotic sounds, our brains will pick up individual pieces, and assemble them so that they sound like voices. If you listen to thousands of audio tapes, there will definitely be one of them hearing something like a voice - it's like putting a monkey in front of a typewriter. "

EVP researchers, of course, disagree with this point. ' I used to work at a radio station for more than 40 years, and I have not heard of a tape, or any electronic device that could cause such deliberate interference' - Osler, 1 employee According to the Southern Wisconsin research group Paranormal Research Group. 'In addition, how can a pure radio noise coincide after I ask questions, answer my questions and even comment on my words?'

EVP history

One of the most famous scientists, Thomas Alva Edison, once believed that there would be a day when mankind would build up a machine to contact death. He once wrote:

'If our personality survives, it would be logical to assume that it retains memories, knowledge and other valuable assets that we have achieved. From there . if we can create such a sophisticated tool that can affect our personality, if it exists - then, this tool will record something. " .

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Edison was not fortunate to survive until he saw his idea

In 1949, Marcello Bacci began recording voices with an old radio. Many people came to him to chat with their dead relatives. A few years later, two monks, Father Ernetti and Father Gernelli, tried to record a hymn on their tape recorder, but the machine was always in trouble. Frustrated, Father Gernelli looked up at the sky and prayed 'Please help us' . Suddenly, Father Gernelli's voice of the dead father came from the tape recorder: 'Of course I will help you. I'm always with you. "

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One of the most famous EVP researchers of the 20th century is an opera singer, also a painter, a film producer named Friedrich Jurgenson. His interest in EVP began to emerge when he recorded the sound of birds singing in a forest. As he rewinded the tape, he heard a whispering female voice: 'Friedrich, you're being watched. My little Friedel, Friedel, can you hear me? ' And he insisted that the female voice was his lost mother.

By the 1960s, EVP was legalized and officially became one of the sciences studying mysterious phenomena. In 1982, Sarah Estep officially created the US EVP Association, one of the world's leading EVP research organizations. She insisted that I had contacted thousands of souls, as well as with aliens.

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The decoding of these mysterious sounds continues every day for hours. Are they just products of imagination, or are they really voices of souls? Perhaps we still have to wait for answers for years to come.