Discover strange ants in the world

Crazy ants, ants ants, ant mafia, stealth ants . are the most strange ants in the world.

The strange ants in the world

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One of the most exotic ants in the world is the crazy Tawny ant (Nylanderia Fulva).The reason why this species is called is because it has the ability to kill many creatures much larger than me.

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Ant mafia (Cardiocondyla Obscurior).In an ant nest only one mafia ant, has the effect of protecting the territory.This ant species is able to secrete a substance with "scent of scent" that makes the worker rush to kill this bearer.

Picture 3 of Discover strange ants in the world
Ants kill masses (Crematogaster Striatula).This ant species can secrete a strong poison that causes termites to die in mass.Ants kill people using a method to spread poison into the air, instead of injecting venom directly into their prey.

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Stealth (Temnothorax Pilagens).This species has no worker ants, so they rob the larvae of other ants to turn them into slaves, serving themselves.Scientists believe that this ant species is able to secrete a substance that helps them "stealth" in front of the enemy.

Picture 5 of Discover strange ants in the world
Ants eat the slightly spicy discharge larvae (Solenopsis Fugax).Like stealth ants, this species steals larvae.But instead of turning larvae into slaves, this species eats meat.When the egg nest is discovered, this species will release toxic gas that makes worker ants run away so that they can eat raw ant eggs.

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Penetration bosses (Cephalotes Specularis).This species has the ability to break in and imitate the enemy's actions and movements to steal food.

Picture 7 of Discover strange ants in the world
Ants (Formicoxenus Nitidulus).Most parasitic ants are in the form of queen ants, they create scents to the behavior of ants of their species parasitic and know how to exploit this species.Parasitic ants are also known as ants, they can parasitize in the nests of 11 different ant species, they can even live in different ants.

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Medieval judicial opinion (Dinopoera Quadriceps).Instead of having queen ants, this ant species has a master ant that is protected by five male male ants, whose only task is to sit around the host's ants all day long, to protect the owner in case of happening What.

Picture 9 of Discover strange ants in the world
Needle ants (Pachycondyla Chinensis).This is an ant species that makes one of the most numerous ants in the world is the Argentine ant must "recline the hat to lose".

Picture 10 of Discover strange ants in the world
Super prehistoric ants (Pheidole).This is an ant species in the most horrifying form on the planet.The oversized big head is the highlight of this ant.