Discover the biggest star explosion

Two NASA space telescopes have just captured the strongest star explosion ever. Scientists say the light of the explosion is clearly visible, although the star is located 3.6 billion light-years from Earth.

Picture 1 of Discover the biggest star explosion
Image of the highest energy gamma ray explosion ever - (Photo: NASA)

According to, on April 27, two Swift space telescopes and the Fermi gamma-ray space telescope detected the highest energy gamma-ray burst (GRB) from the explosion of a throne. Big stars in its final stages.

NASA scientists note that this is the highest energy gamma-ray burst, as well as the longest ever.

"This GRB is so long that terrestrial telescopes can be noted while cosmic observations are still ongoing ," said Julie McEnery, a scientist with NASA's Fermi gamma telescope project. to speak.

NASA scientists have named this gamma-ray burst as GRB 130427A and have assembled observable images into a graphic video to clarify the surprising light intensity of this historic explosion.