Discover the green belt around the Uranus

Picture 1 of Discover the green belt around the Uranus

Scientists have discovered that the outer ring around the Uranus is bright green - (Photo: Reuters )

The outer perimeter around Uranus - was discovered last year, is bright green, according to researchers. With this discovery, Uranus became the second planet in the Solar System known to have a green belt around, after Saturn.

All other rings surrounding Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus - the seventh planet in the Solar System - and Neptune are all red.

In the April 7 issue of Science, the researchers say there is probably no chance that both of these green belts are related to small moons.

According to astronomers around the world, each green belt contains a moon of the planet, while the red belt is merely a reflection of light. They thought that when moving around the planet, the moons swept away most of the large-sized cosmic objects and left only dust and tiny cosmic objects, so they reflected much blue light. more red belt.

'The green color indicates that this circle is mainly microscopic material, many times smaller than the material in other circles, usually red ', Imke de Pater, professor of astronomy studied at the University of California, Berkeley.

These microscopic materials scatter and reflect mainly blue light, very similar to small molecules in the air, which gives a blue color to the sky of the Earth.

Picture 2 of Discover the green belt around the Uranus Picture 3 of Discover the green belt around the Uranus

Schematic of the outer rings of Uranus .

. and Saturn

Along with the green belt, astronomers also discovered a new red belt around Uranus, Thus, so far, world astronomers have discovered 4 belts surrounding the planet far away. This sticky rice.

American astronomers insist, while the perimeter of Uranus has an unclear color and the farthest belt is light blue, two newly discovered belts (red and blue) show the color of they are determined by the different light reflection of the molecules that make up the belts at different distances than the Uranus surface.