Discover the incredible possibilities of animals
Sea cucumbers throw out the body parts, Galapagos turtles may not eat for a year . are unbelievable discoveries about the ability of animals.
Unexpected abilities make you unbelievable of animals
The ability of animals is expressed very diverse.For example, the tongue of pangolin starts from near the pelvis and the end of the ribs and when necessary, the tongue can be up to 25cm long.
Galapagos turtles can live comfortably for a year without eating by the body it is adapted to store food and water.
Native Americans use poison of a frog to impregnate the tip of a dart, serving for hunting.Therefore, they are called "poison frogs".
Guinea Pig agouti is the only animal that can bite Brazil nuts.
When feeling dangerous, beaver will signal by beating the tail on the water.
Sea butterflies use a layer of about 5cm mucus to catch prey.
Tapirs are known for creating paths to water resources - a skill that people learn and apply when building roads.
Most types of vultures, including ancient vultures (also known as Andean gods) are peeing on their feet to cool themselves when the weather is hot.
Sea cucumbers (sea cucumbers) can remove all organs inside the body and then 'shoot' out through the anus.After that, it took several weeks for the organs to fully regrow.
The hamster is a species that mate for life, living in a very faithful monogamy.
New Guinea singing dogs have a special vocal structure, which allows it to produce very good up and down voices, similar to singing a deep voice to a metallic voice.
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