Unbelievably strange sea animals

The mollusks, especially those living on the deep sea are species with diverse shapes, strange to incredible.

Picture 1 of Unbelievably strange sea animals
Squid 'dwarfs'. When referring to squid, people often imagine a large and terrifying animal, a living sea monster. Few people know that squid also has microscopic species, called Idiosepius notoides. It is only 2.4 cm long and lives among seaweed tops.

Picture 2 of Unbelievably strange sea animals
'Donuts' octopus. This octopus has an extremely bizarre shape, which looks quite like a disk. We still do not know exactly what this species eats, however, they spend most of their time hovering or crawling on the deep sea floor.

Picture 3 of Unbelievably strange sea animals
Squid spines in. This squid species is outstanding by its transparent body, an 'invisibility jacket' perfect for life that is very dangerous. When attacked, it can curl up, or bulge up to turn into a spherical ball, unable to swallow.

Picture 4 of Unbelievably strange sea animals
Octopus Amphitretus pelagicus is another type of squid. Its special feature is that it has a tubular eyes, unlike other squid species. These eyes are able to rotate independently.

Picture 5 of Unbelievably strange sea animals
Octopoteuthis deletron squid. At first glance, Octopoteuthis deletron squid is no different from regular squid species, but in fact it has a very special defense mechanism. When attacked, instead of running away, this species cut a tentacle and used it to attack the enemy, while the squid escaped.

Picture 6 of Unbelievably strange sea animals
Ink 'public'. This ink is famous for its intelligence and superior camouflage ability. However, it is the species with the worst swimming ability. In fact, this species uses two tentacles such as the front legs and two muscle parts of the skin to make feet after walking on the sea floor.

Picture 7 of Unbelievably strange sea animals
British snail paper. This species has a thin, paper-like shell. The female carries the shell for eggs and children. The male snail, only 1/20 of the size of his dancer, only lived until he removed a tentacle filled with sperm into the female snail.

Picture 8 of Unbelievably strange sea animals
Squid 'long hand'. This squid has a monstrous shape, when their bodies are only 30cm long, but their tentacles are 20 times longer than their bodies. Thanks to these tentacles, 'long-handed' squid can swim in a very 'relaxed' way in the water.

Picture 9 of Unbelievably strange sea animals
Ink sucking blood. With red skin, veins, fake eyes at the top of the head, thorns in tentacles, this species deserves the name 'ink sucking blood from hell'. It lives in calm waters, low oxygen, harsh living conditions.

Picture 10 of Unbelievably strange sea animals
Ink "squint eyes". The histioteuthidae squid, especially in the eyes of each side, is different. The left eye is twice as big as the right eye, and it is particularly sensitive to light, used to look in bright, blue waters. Eyes must look in places where there is no light.