The superhuman 'eyes' of animals

Evolution has created some strange changes in the 'precious' shape of some animals.

Picture 1 of The superhuman 'eyes' of animals
Argentine lake duck has an extremely long penis, up to 41cm. This may be the longest 'precious' species among vertebrates. Their penis is spiral, matching the female's vaginal vagina.

Picture 2 of The superhuman 'eyes' of animals
The flatworm is a hermaphrodite, it has both male and female genitalia. They lose more energy to produce eggs than sperm. They want to have sex with other children to become pregnant rather than pregnant themselves.

Picture 3 of The superhuman 'eyes' of animals
Oysters spend most of their time 'attaching' themselves to the stone, so its mating is quite difficult. This is why its penis is 40 times more than its body.

Picture 4 of The superhuman 'eyes' of animals
The beetle has a rather unpleasant way to put sperm into the female vagina. Its penis has sharp, hard spines. Each time "briefings", males often hurt children. This is how males stop their second "mate" from sex and force them to take the time to hatch eggs.

Picture 5 of The superhuman 'eyes' of animals
Pythons have Y-shaped genital organs and when they are related, they use only half of this organ. And it changes from one half to the other when the next relationship.

Picture 6 of The superhuman 'eyes' of animals
The genitals of porcupine fur have 4 heads. When the "relationship", the two ends of the genitals close, while the other two ends drop the semen into the female genitals. Last "relationship", they change their heads.

Picture 7 of The superhuman 'eyes' of animals
Argonaut squid is one of the most bizarre penis types. When swimming around to find food, the creature's penis separates itself and finds the female's genitals.