For many years, the New York port has fallen into pollution and depleted marine life. New Yorkers had to embark on water purification and cleaning
The K-Force is the only K army without a mustache, the eyes of an oyster larger than its brain, a glass ball can pop up higher than a rubber ball, ... is Interesting facts are sure
From a method that is assessed as
French scientists hope to detect sea pollution early enough to find an incredible ally of the soft-bodied family that often appears on the restaurant menu.
It was a shell creature that looked like an alien monster in the movie
Australian scientists have inadvertently discovered a new giant oyster species living in the waters of Northern Australia.
Scientists have just announced the discovery of the largest scallop population in the world in the west coast of Scotland.
Oysters possess the largest penis compared to their body size in the animal kingdom and now this species continues to set a new record with the ability to capture sperm directly
Richard Mesce - a former pilot living in northern California, USA - spotted an oyster at the bottom of Humboldt Bay. He then took it to Humboldt University for experts to measure
According to AFP on December 6, Japan deciphered the 'language of successful oysters after discovering they could emit' squeak 'like people who suffer if they change the