The power of animal eyes

Strange features about the structure and shape of the eyes can help animals observe enemies or find prey more easily.

Picture 1 of The power of animal eyes
According to the Smithsonian National Museum of History, the giant squid is the world's largest eyes, with a diameter of up to 25cm.Big eyes help giant squid to be seen clearly in deep water.With this advantage, giant squid can detect a sperm whale at a distance of 120m.

Picture 2 of The power of animal eyes
Husky Sibir dogs in Siberia, Russia, evolve eye color to adapt to low light conditions where they live.The eyes of husky dogs are almond shaped and usually have two white spots on top, making them feel like they have four eyes.A dog has two different eye colors or each eye can have two colors.

Picture 3 of The power of animal eyes
Chameleon can rotate and focus eyes in a separate direction when looking at two different objects at the same time.This can help geckos get 360-degree viewing angles around their bodies.

Picture 4 of The power of animal eyes
Fish escolar, a large fish living in the deep sea, capable of looking from bottom to top.They use this special vision ability to wait and catch prey swimming through.

Picture 5 of The power of animal eyes
Shrimp is one of the most complex species in the animal world.The researchers found that some shrimp species will stare at prey before attacking with a very rapid movement, which can heat a small water in front of them.

Picture 6 of The power of animal eyes
Most animals and humans have round pupils.However, the eyes of some species such as goat, toad, octopus . tend to be horizontal and rectangular with rounded corners.This helps them expand their perspective and easily detect enemies.

Picture 7 of The power of animal eyes
According to Dutch scientists' research, the eyes of some birds, such as the eagle, have small oil droplets in the front, which help them filter and follow the light direction when their eyes are exposed.

Picture 8 of The power of animal eyes
The eyes of some animals like cats or raccoon can glow in the dark.This ability is explained by scientists because their eyes have reflective surfaces, also known as tapetum lucidum cells.The eyes of each species can glow in different colors.

Picture 9 of The power of animal eyes
Cuttlefish, a cephalopod, is a species that has the ability to completely adjust the shape of the eyes according to what they look at.