Fifty facts about eyes

Not only for humans, but for any creature, eyes play an extremely important role in life. Eyes help people feel about the world view in a clear and vivid way, helping the process of labor, play, entertainment of people take place in a convenient and more interesting way. For creatures, eyes help them move, feed, defend, .

The structure and operation of the eyes is therefore different from other parts of the body. The eye is always activated 24/7 and uses up 65% of the brain's energy. Many other interesting facts about eyes are revealed in Infographic below.

Picture 1 of Fifty facts about eyes
Picture 2 of Fifty facts about eyes
Picture 3 of Fifty facts about eyes
Picture 4 of Fifty facts about eyes
Picture 5 of Fifty facts about eyes
Picture 6 of Fifty facts about eyes
Picture 7 of Fifty facts about eyes
Picture 8 of Fifty facts about eyes