Strange possibilities of eyes

Capital eyes just to look. But for some people, the eyes can . take pictures, control others, even kill people. The recent research results of scientists have shown, human eyes sometimes have a strange power!

Mysterious abilities of the eyes

Camera eyes

An unbelievable but true story has been widely known since the end of the 19th century. It happened to the French painter Pie Buse . One afternoon, he drank drunk and slept in the photo studio. He dreamed of strange animals, strange shapes, blue eyes, chasing him. The next morning, when he was covering the newly filmed films , he was surprised to see that on some of the films appeared images of strange animals he dreamed of the night before. He told his best friend Emilo Sapilo - the famous naturalist researcher of that time. Mr. Sapilo brought those strange-looking films to analyze and research at the French Academy of Sciences. Shortly after, the first article talked about "mental photos" and strange rays emanating from the eyes of humans published.

Picture 1 of Strange possibilities of eyes

Immediately afterwards, another series of thrilling stories about the power of the eyes were published in the press. It turned out that not only did Pie Buse but many photographers in Vowrrionhet, Permi, and Calinin "capture" photos that in fact did not exist as a spectacle of war, his ship. alien . in the same way. At first, it was considered an illusion . But later, such phenomena are recorded more and more, occurring with completely healthy people . Therefore, it made the scientific community pay attention.

The most famous of this series must include a Spanish sailor named Tet Xerios. In 1963, under the supervision of a special committee with many well-known scientists, he proved to everyone that he could not only use eyes to damage movies but also record Again the images I imagined in the movie!

The eyes are wrong

Not only is it capable of being a camera, there has been much evidence from the past to show that the power of human eyes can drive animals . Tibetans and shamans after a long practice process can use their eyes to tame even destroy the evil beasts. Professional and experienced animal educators also claim that they can stop animals with a look and to control the animals, the eyes are often more effective than the command.

Picture 2 of Strange possibilities of eyes

Many historians use every comment, Lev Tolstoi 's view seems to be able to penetrate the dialogue as a jealousy. Stalin 's gaze often caused people to lower their eyes and paralyze their will. In addition, the famous psychic Roza Kuleshova could close his eyes to see objects at a distance of 3m and "read letters" in sealed envelopes.

Murderous eyes .

The scientist who specializes in the Russian anomalies phenomenon Igor Vinokurov , in a book recounts the following thrilling story: at a research institute of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Agency , he is famous for being difficult count and despise his subordinates suddenly died. The investigation showed that on that day, he severely reprimanded an employee under his command. The man was silent but looked straight into his face with a ferocious look that made him suddenly collapse, banging his head on the table and then stopped breathing. Police cannot find the cause of death because before that, he was completely healthy.

Picture 3 of Strange possibilities of eyes


The pathologist after the autopsy said that the heart of the dead seemed to have been grabbed by someone and forced it to stop, similar to the clock's pendulum. Everyone just doubts that the look of hatred of subordinates is the reason why the head of the department died.

The power of "murder" of the eyes is actually known by many people. In 1553, the famous European scientist Corneniut Agrip wrote in his work "Ophthalmology": "In Tactari, Ilirin and Tariban have women who can harm all those who look in anger. ".

A shocking case occurred in Paris in the 19th century, under Empire 2. Singer Massol was a very successful person on the opera stage at the time. He not only has a beautiful voice but is also famous for his unusual gleaming eyes. One day as usual, he sang the aria in Halevy's "Curse" opera, Massol's eyes looked up to the roof of the theater, suddenly the mechanic who was moving the screen on it fell to the stage and died. immediately. In another performance, his eyes stumbled for a long time at the conductor. This person immediately felt uncomfortable and two days later died of an unusual neurological disorder. For the third time, Massol was advised to look at the empty seats in the auditorium when performing. But unexpectedly, the empty seat that day had been reserved by a late trader. He also died the next day. After a series of tragic events, Massol decided to give up the stage.

The views of scientists

According to Dr. Bio Demirchoglian of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the most recent studies of the ophthalmology show that the eye - like any photovoltaic system which - not only can it be acquired but also the signal emitted .

The structure of the eyeball and the retina also reminds people of a parabolic mirror capable of responding to radiation. The rays emitted from the eye are short-wave types, so they have a penetrating effect like beams or jets. It can affect the central nervous system , as well as the whole body's activity.

It is well known that the iris of the eye has points responsible for the operation of all internal organs. If a narrow laser beam is released into a certain area of ​​the iris, such as in the area of ​​the heart, it may cause the heart to stop beating. Yoga practitioners have demonstrated the ability to bend an object with "eyesight" while staring at it. If we can prove that the rays emitted from the eyes also have the same nature as lasers, we can believe in the existence of characters in fiction stories that can destroy or burn people. Enemy with just a look!

To discover the secret of the look , Dr. Gion Prat and physicist and psychologist Airon Stevenson of Devengerxki University (Corolado State - USA) conducted about 800 experiments. As a result, they discovered up to 90% of those who were tested to be able to use their eyes to emit strange radiation with bioenergy . These radiation, if in the millimeter wave range with extremely high frequencies, can cause physical impacts on surrounding objects to create significant consequences. Therefore, we should not underestimate that impact, sometimes, it has immeasurable power!