Interesting things about the eyes

Eyes are the means to help you observe and judge the world around you. Thanks to the eyes that our lives are colorful. But the eyes also contain interesting things that you have not had the opportunity to explore.

Interesting facts about eyes

1 . There is a slight change in the size of the eyes since you were born until you left your life. When born, the eye is about 18mm in diameter. Within a year after that, this size increased to 19.5mm.

An adult has an eye diameter of about 24-25mm and an eyeball equal to 2/3 of the size of a ping pong ball. Thus, throughout our lives, the eyes are only about 28% larger than the original size.

Picture 1 of Interesting things about the eyes

2. We recognize light through their color. However, we can only recognize light with a wavelength in the range from 380Nm - 740Nm. This is the visible band of light (spectrum). It was from this spectrum of spectrum that Newton had divided light into seven types, red, orange, yellow, blue, dark blue, indigo and violet.

In 1790, researcher Thomas Young said we could only see three colors: red, dark blue and yellow. Other colors are just a mixture of those three primary colors. In 1878, Mr. Ewald Hering gave a theory of four basic colors: red, blue, yellow and dark green. Accordingly, when the four basic colors mixed with white or black will create different types of colors that people can identify.

However, up to now, there has not really been an accurate quantitative number of colors that people can identify. The most recent study shows that people can recognize very small differences between colors. Researchers believe that people can identify at least 10 million different colors. However, the above figure is not completely accurate because in each different culture, the way of distinguishing colors is quite different.

3. The time for eyelashes to revive is 4 - 8 weeks. Eyelashes with eyelids work to protect the eyes from dirt and prevent foreign ingredients from entering the eyes.

Picture 2 of Interesting things about the eyes

4. Vision is the most developed and superior sense of humanity.

5. Our eye color is determined by the amount of melanin - a dark brown pigment in the iris. If there is a lack of melanin, the eyes will be green and abundant in melanin and the eyes will be brown. Therefore, people with dark hair and skin are often those with high levels of melanin, so their eyes are usually brown.

Meanwhile, people with light-colored hair and skin are often those with low levels of melanin and so their eyes are usually lighter in color. This also explains why most of the newborn's eyes are usually brighter than adults, because the infant's melanin content is still low.

In general, it is rare for people to have two eye colors , but for animals this is quite common in horses, cats and dogs. This is caused by genetic modification of color control. It may be a typical biological inheritance or due to lesions in eye pigments due to drug use.

6. Have you ever tried to sneeze and try to widen your eyes? Certainly, you can't do that. Sneezing is a random reaction of the body when our nose is irritated. Sneezing creates an impulse that affects the entire body, including the abdomen, chest, neck and face. That impulse affects the muscles in the face, causing the eyelids to close automatically. This reaction is completely automated and we cannot do the opposite.

Sneezing causes a great pressure on the head and respiratory organs. Therefore, the closure of the eyelid can be considered a defense mechanism.

Picture 3 of Interesting things about the eyes

6. At any time, whenever people open their eyes, the eyes will not stop working at full capacity. Even if you stand, the internal molecules still work to ensure you provide the clearest images, reaching " HD standards".

7. Average people will blink 17 times per minute.

3. Once born, we can only see within 15 inches, equivalent to less than 0.5m.

4. The human eye can perceive the image upside down , which is unimaginable to the eyes of many other animals on Earth.

5. In essence, each side of the human eye only records half of the left and right images on each side. Then the data is transmitted to the brain to work out a complete image.

6. Tears have many types, not always the same. For example, when you cry out tears, laugh or tear, or move, stimulate tears, these tears have different ingredients depending on the cause of your tears.

8. If you have a blue eye , you have the same ancestors, deep bloodline with all the other blue-eyed people in the world, despite differences in race, color, hair color . And you belong to the " new generation " of people, only recently appeared on Earth.

9. If you have brown eyes , then you should be proud because our ancestors were the first human strains to appear on Earth with black-eyed people. Blue-eyed people appear the latest, only before about 6,000 years ago.

10. The truth is that the eyes can hardly feel both black and white, the brain has to work harder to see these two colors. So, the more vivid the colors are, the more eye you like because it works more gently.

11. If someone can see before being blind, ie not blind , the last image that the eye sees before being blind will always return to the dream every night.

12. Regular vision tests are not really accurate. For example, in the picture, many experts have demonstrated that those who can see at number 8.9 are unlikely to have eyes as good as those who only see at number 2.3.

Picture 4 of Interesting things about the eyes

13. If you have myopia , the eyeball will be longer than a normal person. Conversely, if you are farsighted, the eyeball is shorter than normal.

14. Your eyes are an extremely complex organ, second only to the brain!

15. If the eye purse is a company, it has up to 2 million employees (detailed parts of the eye). Too terrible, isn't it?

16. The 'eye' company can handle 36,000 information continuously every hour.

17. Do you know how much this guy contributed to your studies? 85% of what you know is thanks to that eye!

18. And of course, contribute a lot, so this guy is also slightly involved when accounting for 65% of the nerve pathways to the brain.

19. According to the calculations of scientists, an average person will receive more than 24 million images in life.

20. You may be wide-eyed in surprise when you learn that the best muscles are not in the biceps but in the outer ring.

21. The eyeballs that you look at and see are actually only 1/6 of eye size!

22. We blinked really to lubricate the eyeball, and when it came to dust, it was a conditioned reflex to protect the eyes.

23. The right weight of an eye is . 28g.

24. The XY side reads the tiny print better than the XX side.

25. It's amazing to know that an average person winks 10,000 times a day!

26 . Our pupil pupils will expand depending on the condition of the light. The darker the pupil dilated.