Oren Hasson, a biologist on evolutionary theory, presents evidence that tears have emotional benefits and are capable of making interpersonal relationships durable. more stable
Many people flocked to the church in a small village near the Macedonian capital after someone saw tears falling from the Virgin Mary's painting.
The long black wall horizontal of the Vietnam War Memorial is like a reminder of the bitter defeat of the Americans, about a dark history.
A butterfly in Madagascar island poked a hook-shaped hose into the eyes of sleeping birds to suck tears. This is the first time scientists have seen butterflies use bird tears as
Owning a beautiful, lovely face, but butterflies have a taste for eating weirdly, causing many people to vomit.
The moment the tears of happiness of the union members, the kiss in the rainstorm or the choking tears because of the separation ... sobbed the hearts of the viewers.
In a year, a person's body will produce countless numbers
Tears, whether from sadness or happiness, are thought to be effective ways to relieve stress. For this reason, more and more Japanese schools and companies encourage people to
Everyone who cried, whether happy or sad, could make people cry; moreover, human tears are salty. Why tears are salted?
Men are always expected to be strong, not to cry, but to