What do eyes say about your health?

Convex eyes may be a sign of hyperthyroidism. The pupils are irregular in size, if accompanied by drooping eyelids, it could be a sign of dangerous disease like Horner syndrome.

The eyes are not only the windows of the soul but also tell a lot about your health. Let's see below:


Convex eyes are when one or both eyes are protruding from the eye, similar to amblyopia and are described as abnormal protrusion of the eyeball. This condition is usually a sign of Grave disease (hyperthyroidism) that is related to overactive thyroid. People with hyperthyroidism often have a rapid, irregular, weight loss and restless pulse.

Blurred vision and cataract

Cataract is a phenomenon in which the lens in the eye is blurred, affecting vision and may appear in both eyes. The disease is particularly common in the elderly. Cataracts cause many difficulties in looking at shapes and details. When the blurred area reduces the light that passes through the lens to the retina, your vision becomes blurred and can also be dyed brown. Cataract is a sign of old age, but it can occur in people aged 40-50 who need surgery.

Picture 1 of What do eyes say about your health?
Photo: huffingtonpost

Red eyes

In many cases, red eyes are normal and due to swollen blood vessels on the surface of the eye, the consequences of excessive drinking, sun exposure, dry eyes, dust, allergies or There is simply something flying into the eye. Red eyes can also be a sign of fatigue, stress or lack of sleep.

Although red eye is usually harmless, it can also be a sign of worse disease. In these cases, red eyes often accompany other symptoms such as itching, pain or eye irritation. Red eyes often appear when blepharitis occurs. It may also be related to corneal ulcers and uveitis.

The pupils are irregular in size

If you find that pupil differences are slightly different in size, a large side, a smaller side, don't be frightened because this is quite common in everyone. About 20% of the population has irregular pupils. But this may also be a sign of some serious diseases like Horner syndrome, if accompanied by a drooping symptom. Horner syndrome may be a sign of tumors in the neck and chest, you should see your doctor as soon as possible when these signs are present.

Retinitis due to HIV / AIDS

Sometimes the eyes can help the doctor identify a patient with HIV or certain chronic illnesses such as cancer. Without proper treatment, HIV / AIDS can lead to serious eye diseases such as retinitis, which can lead to blindness. Early symptoms of retinitis include blurred vision, small black spots when viewed directly, blind spots and flashing light in the eyes.

Diabetic eye complications

Diabetic patients also have eye complications due to prolonged illness. People with diabetes are at higher risk of blindness as well as a 40% higher risk of developing glaucoma or increasing eye pressure, leading to vision loss and nerve damage. Diabetes is also thought to cause retinal disorders such as proliferative retinopathy and proliferative retinopathy.