How to train pure eyes

Training method for healthy bright eyes

To own a pair of bright eyes, you need to take care of and train your eyes every day. The following training methods will help your eyes avoid fatigue, limiting some eye diseases that may be encountered.

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Eye relaxation routine

Like other parts of the body, our eyes need to be properly rested and relaxed to avoid fatigue and be able to function effectively.

After a period of working, when the eyes have a sore feeling, we should suspend our work so that our eyes can rest and relax. You can do some movements to help your eyes get more tired, such as closing your eyes tightly and using your hands to gently touch your eyelids, looking out over a wide space or looking at a green tree for about 10 minutes, facing up 2 hands on eyes . These tips can help your eyes relax very effectively.

Eye massage

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This will help blood flow to the organs of the eye, helping our eyes to limit aches and pains. Eye massage techniques are also very simple. You just need to apply gentle strokes around the eye socket with your fingers, avoiding pressing directly into the eye. Doing so will make your eyes free of aches and pains very quickly.

How to massge eyes:

  1. Step 1: place your middle finger around the eye and then follow the circle for about 5 seconds, continue to rotate around the eye border.Make this move about 3 times.
  2. Step 2: Place your hands on your eyes, push up and down, aiming to stimulate blood circulation.
  3. Step 3: Use your palms and press lightly from the middle of the nose to the temples, this action helps you reduce headaches and fatigue.

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  1. Step 4: Then you use a hot towel and apply to your eyes for about 3 minutes, which helps reduce dark circles.
  2. Step 5: Take a massage with moisturizer.
  3. Step 6: To keep your eyes from sagging, take your finger to lift the eyelid to close the eyebrow.

Look focused

This method will help us train the eyes' ability to see the eyes, making the eyes brighter and healthier. You should stand by the window in a comfortable position, looking straight at a point about 3 - 5m away for about 10 minutes. Experts recommend that we look at the trees on a regular basis because the green color works very well for the eyes.

Picture 4 of How to train pure eyes

Warm the eyes

You can warm your eyes with your hands by closing your eyes and placing your hands on top to cover your eyes. After that, let's look at the darkness and keep this posture for about 10 minutes. In addition, you can also warm your eyes with the sun. You turn your eyes towards the sun, then change position, tilt to the left and right.

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Warming helps the eyes relax, rest, and help train and enhance eye health.

Tips for proper eye care and protection :

  1. Have a reasonable working and resting regime, avoiding working too long.
  2. Clean eyes regularly.You can look up eye lotions every day to make our eyes healthier.
  3. Have a proper diet, strengthen eye-healthy foods like carrots, pumpkin, papaya, animal liver, eggs, milk .
  4. In particular, you need to have a regular eye exam to know the condition of your eyes and have a reasonable method of care!