Insects have the best vision in the animal world

Although small, few people think that the eyes of this dragonfly are more sensitive than superheroes.

We know that most of the eyes of insects are large and composed of many small glass objects assembled together - called compound eyes.

Recent research by Japanese University scientists has discovered the dragonfly's eyes that are grafted by 300,000 glass objects (like lenses) in each eye and become the best-looking insect in animal world.

Picture 1 of Insects have the best vision in the animal world

Each objective lens receives a separate image while the dragon's brain has 8 pairs of optic nerve cells that combine thousands of images together to create the most comprehensive, comprehensive image.

This means, the dragonfly's vision reaches 360 degrees and they can see anything coming near them, at any angle.

Picture 2 of Insects have the best vision in the animal world

If people can see the color combination of blue, red, green, dragonflies can sense 33 different types with high light sensitivity. Along with that, each glass object absorbs a light color with different spectra, wavelengths so dragonflies can "enjoy" up to 10 million colors.

Precisely because of good visibility, clear color discrimination, dragonfly hunting rates are very high - about 95% - much higher than lions and sharks. Once it has become the goal of dragonflies, prey only has "stand still and wait".

Picture 3 of Insects have the best vision in the animal world

Dennis Paulson, a dragonfly specialist at the Slater Natural History Museum at Puget Sound University (Tacoma), said: "The image sensor elements together are integrated into the animal's brain. However. How they use that mechanism is still a mystery and we are working hard to find that solution. "