Strange animals attack people in Indonesia

Two strange animals lost their lives when they attacked people on the Indonesian island of Borneo, but people do not know which species they belong to.

The first attack occurred in Paon Gahat village on the Indonesian island part of Borneo. An animal attacks Aris Kuna, a 75-year-old farmer, when he takes care of the chili garden at noon. Because he did not see the attacker, he waved the cardboard knife into the chili dust around. Finally he slashed them something. A few seconds later he saw the body of a bizarre animal pouring down from a chilli, The Borneo Post reported.

Picture 1 of Strange animals attack people in Indonesia
The body of a strange animal that attacked the workers inside
Palm plantations on the island of Borneo. (Photo: The Borneo Post)

A week later, another animal attacked a foreign worker in a palm plantation near Baing village at around 9am. Before attacking it made a sound like chicken and wild boar and stood on its hind legs. Immediately the worker swung the sickle to protect himself and the animal died.

The two victims said that the animal that attacked them was shaped like a bear and a wild boar. When the animal was killed, the villagers and plantation workers did not know which species it belonged to.

'They belong to a rare species. People in the village cannot identify their identities. Some people even upload photos to the Internet so that the online community determines their identity, but does not get any results. Do they belong to a species that scientists think is extinct? I hunted in the rainforest all my life and have never seen such an animal , 'said Louis Nyaoi, a 62-year-old hunter in the village of Mentung Marau on Borneo Island.

Its body length is about 60cm. It has a long mane and claws like the wolf's claws. A strange stench came from the animal's body after it died. That's the kind of smell that hunters have never smelled before. Humans can smell it from a distance of 10m from the animal.

Jimmy Tubo, son of Louis Nyaoi, believes that two animals live in a dense forest near the village. They come out of the forest by human deforestation to grow food crops, industrial trees and perform some other purposes.