Animals at the Indonesian Zoo are in danger

All animals in Indonesia's largest Zoo - many in the genocide list - can be killed in the next 5 years without urgent action to change the habits of neglect and greed. they are destroying facilities - a zoo official warned.

Picture 1 of Animals at the Indonesian Zoo are in danger

The Sumatra tiger was found dead in a stable.

Surabaya Zoo spokesman Agus Sipangkat said: A Sumatra tiger has been found dead last Saturday morning in the stable (below). The remaining 13 Sumatran tigers are locked in cramped and cramped stables and are in a very high risk of death - Tonny Sumampow, president of the Indonesian Zoo Association, has just checked the gardens. interesting in the order of the Government last year, said. He announced, the past few days, an African lion, an Australian kangaroo also died.

According to him, every year at the largest and richest Surabaya Zoo in Southeast Asia, hundreds of animals are killed, others are hungry, stressed and their breeding places are overloaded. The facilities were too old, 94 years since Indonesia was a Dutch colony, on an area of ​​only 15 hectares that required up to 4,200 animals.

Mr. Sumampouw, who is watching the Zoo until he appoints a new bishop, complains about weak management and severe corruption.

"I think all the animals here in the next five years will definitely disappear unless there are attempts to reorganize the management of the Zoo ." Many employees were caught stealing. the meat is for pets, and sometimes they steal the animals that go on sale, he concludes: 'It is a big challenge for a new head' .

The zoo spokesman, Agus Supangkat (a former management board member), said that 25 animals die on average each month, most of them die old or die naturally. Animals are well fed, good eating and hygiene conditions, only a few are stressed, especially big cats. But he also has to admit that the zoo is too old, the cage is backward, like a swoop. Lim confines prisoners so big animals are often stressed.