Doug Stewart, discovering an unusually thin-shaped creature with gray skin while playing golf at Santee Cooper Country Club in South Carolina, USA, Grind TV on August 10 reported.

A giant worm-like creature has just been discovered in Australia, confusing users but also very interested.

The lamb was born with a half-animal form that made the villagers think it was sent by the devil.

This mysterious creature can instantly kill deadly acid poison.

A woman in Santa Fe, Argentina caught a strange bipedal creature in her yard, drawing much speculation about its origin.

Looks like half a bear, half breed of dog, strange creature makes the public buzz, continuously make guesses.

The researchers first discovered a strange invasive flatworm that has a mouth in the middle of the abdomen in the United States. This strange creature is a serious threat to

Preliminary research, experts found that this creature has a hobby of spending all its life in the dark in a humid environment.

Blind fish is a strange creature with a primitive circulatory system with 4 hearts. They live on parasites on other animals by sucking on the blood of these animals.

Experts discovered that the penis worm has been traveling on Earth with its special teeth 500 million years ago.