The mysterious 'death worm' can kill people without biting

This mysterious creature can instantly kill deadly acid poison.

The locals call it allghoi khorkhoi or deep because it looks very much like a piece of red cow intestine, sometimes with darker spots, protruding at both ends.

From 0.5 to 1.5 meters long, this worm looks very peculiar, its head and tail are indistinguishable because no one sees its eyes, nostrils or mouth. Its way of moving is also very unusual, both rolling and crawling very quickly.

According to the legend that the Gobi desert people have been whispering for thousands of years, this worm has a mysterious ability as it can spray yellow acid poisoning that lethal immediately upon contact or possibly Destroy the prey with a super strong electric current.

Picture 1 of The mysterious 'death worm' can kill people without biting
Painting depicting the death worm.

And the Czechoslovakian explorer Ivan Mackerle described in depth the words of the local people as follows: ' It looks like a sausage, fat like a man's arm, quite like the intestines of cattle. Its tail is short as if it is cut, but not sharp.

It is difficult to determine what is the head, the tail because the eyes, nose and mouth are not visible. It moved strangely - curled up and rolled, or crawled on one side of the body. It lives in deserted sand dunes and burning valleys of the Gobi desert, where underground saxaul trees are located.

You can see it at the hottest time of the year in June and July. After that, it will bury in sand and sleep almost the rest of the year. Usually it will crawl to the surface after the rain, or when the soil is wet '.

It is believed that the Grim Reapers worms enjoyed the yellow color and the parasitic plants in the desert like goyo trees. Evidence is that the Mongols also spread the story about a boy playing outside with a yellow box, then a secret worm crawled inside.

When he touched the box, the boy died instantly. Following the trail on the sand left behind, his parents knew what had happened and were determined to find the worm to take revenge. But instead of killing it, they were killed by it !?

Mr. Richard Freeman, head of the research team said that this strange creature is not deep because the worms live very much need moisture. It could be a legless reptile, living on the ground.

' It could be a giant member of a reptile group called a worm or two-headed snake .' In fact, there is a group of these animals, but they are still unknown because of little research interest.

Researchers believe that the Mongol worm may be a creature with two characteristics of eel eels and cobra spraying venom without biting in reality.