Discover the mystery of the animal world

There are concepts that are deeply rooted in roots for so long that when it comes to it, many people believe in it without having to understand its origin and right and wrong. For the knowledge of the animal world, it is sometimes difficult to determine whether a 'long-term belief' is real or not. Let's discover Discovery magazine with some of these 'mysteries'.

Mystery has just been decoded about animals

Picture 1 of Discover the mystery of the animal world

Elephants never forget?

This idea seems to stem from the fact that elephants are the largest of all terrestrial animals; and according to your usual logic, the bigger the brain, the longer and more memory. Elephants have the ability to memorize the map of a very large area where they live and often pass through. Elephants often live and move in groups. And when the population of the herd is too crowded, the largest female elephant of the generation will split the flock to start a new herd, but it never forgets its origin. A researcher observed and witnessed the recognition of mother and daughter elephants after 23 years of separation.

Correct answer

Picture 2 of Discover the mystery of the animal world

Crocodiles often cry?

The saying ' crocodile tears' implies a person who expresses a false emotion, stemming from the fact that the crocodiles often shed tears when luring and killing their prey. Because crocodiles cannot chew it, it must tear the prey into pieces and swallow the whole mouth. As a coincidence, their tear glands are located right near the throat, but when they swallow large pieces of food, they will unintentionally put pressure on the gland and cause tears to flow.

Correct answer

Picture 3 of Discover the mystery of the animal world

Camels store water in humps?

A camel can live up to 7 days without water. This ability is not because they contain stored water in tumors, but because of oval red blood cells (different from normal globular red cells). But humps have no role other than fat reserves. With this hump, camels have an energy equivalent to the amount of food it eats for 3 weeks. And the body part helps it to maximize the amount of water that comes out of the kidneys and intestines. Thanks to these two very efficient parts, camel's urine is as thick as syrup, and their droppings are so dry that they can be used for immediate burning.

Wrong answer

Picture 4 of Discover the mystery of the animal world

Wild rabbits go crazy in March?

In English there is a 'Mad as a March Hare' expression, which literally means 'Crazy as a rabbit in March'. "Crazy" here can also be interpreted as suddenly becoming aggressive. This idiom comes from the following reality: at the beginning of the hare's breeding season, which lasts from February to September, the normal female rabbits are gentle, suddenly become fierce, show rebellious attitude and opposition when having a male too enthusiastic during lovemaking. They often use their front legs to fight back their mistress, and this action looks like they're boxing. Previously, this behavior of hares was misunderstood as two males fighting for supremacy, but the scientists had 'unjustly solved' the rabbits.

Correct answer

Picture 5 of Discover the mystery of the animal world

Can mole rats predict the start of spring?

This is the only animal named for a day in the US - February 2 every year, the day it comes out of the cave after a long hibernation. And people believe that, if this animal sees its shadow on this day, the winter will last another 6 weeks or else the spring will be near. The most famous prophetic mole is called Punxsutawney Phil. How reliable are these rodent prophecies? The researchers say that, when they emerge from the cave, they actually sense and react to changes in light intensity and outside temperature - two key factors used in predicting the weather. And in fact, the exact probability of Phil's 'prophecies' is also quite high.

Correct answer

Picture 6 of Discover the mystery of the animal world

Bats are blind?

This concept comes from the fact that bats mostly use ultrasonic positioning to move and avoid obstacles in the dark. However, not so that their eyes cannot see anything. In contrast, their eyes have a completely visual recognition function, although their eye size is quite small and vision is quite poor. In addition, their hearing and smell are also extremely sensitive.

Wrong answer