In addition to this animal, dolphins, mules, elephants, dogs, ... are also listed as the top animal warriors in the war.

It is a 20-year-old elephant named Kosik, who is being raised at Everland theme park in Yong In, South Korea. Now scientists are studying this strange elephant.

With four legs doing the same task and using equal force, elephants are considered to be the most unique species in the animal world.

Survey of the current status of wild elephant populations living in Vinh Cuu Nature Reserve and Cat Tien National Park, October 23 ...

The fence made of interlinked honeycomb significantly reduced the devastating crop of elephants, Oxford University scientists said.

A cinematographer captures the image of a fancy pink elephant in Botswana, Africa.

Life in captivity makes average life and elephant health 2 to 3 times lower than those who live in nature.

In an environment where droughts often occur, elephants led by older children have a better chance of surviving, because they can remember places where there is plenty of food and

If you give two apple buckets with 6 fruits and 7 fruits, an Asian elephant will choose which apple is the most apple.

To understand how species change in size during evolution, biologists have created interesting models. Most species are very small, but the most massive members of a ph & acir