Discovered a new porcupine that lives on trees in Brazil

Brazilian scientists have reported in the past that they have discovered a new porcupine that lives on trees in a small, isolated area of ​​the Northeast Atlantic Forest (in the state of Pernambuco) of Brazil.

This is a very interesting event because currently 98% of this forest area is being destroyed.

Professor Antonio Rossano Mendes Pontes of the Federal University of Pernambuco said that the team he headed for named the new rodent Coendou speratus , hoping for a brighter future for them.

Picture 1 of Discovered a new porcupine that lives on trees in Brazil
Hedgehog Coendou speratus. (Source: AP)

The new Coendou speratus hedgehog has a medium size, wearing a dark brown fur with a red tip. Coendou speratus hedgehog has a round and long nose, its tail is flexible, allowing them to move easily on the tree.

However, this hedgehog cannot move from tree to tree. They have nocturnal characteristics, often sleeping inside trees and eating nuts.

The team said that Coendou speratus porcupine residing in a low or medium-level habitat due to living with other animals, and that other porcupines often inhabit higher floors.

The Brazilian scientific community estimates that four species of other porcupines live in an environment, but there is little possibility of crossing between porcupines because they can only breed.

Professor Mendes Pontes said he had studied many of the animal patterns described in the book five centuries ago, and found that many of them were extinct, but there is no description of Coendou hedgehog. This newly discovered speratus.

With indiscriminate deforestation and porcupine hunting of humans, Brazilian scientists also expressed concern about the safety and habitat of this rodent Coendou speratus, even of the animals Other endangered objects.